“Do you have an awesome superpower that’s been overlooked by the superhero community? Do you want to work for a better world but aren’t sure how you can help? You might be just the kind of person CUSP is looking for! We’re the Coalition of Unlicensed Special Protectors: Skip the cumbersome licensing process and enjoy the protection of our legal team while you use your abilities for the benefit of mankind! We’re now forming teams in most states along the eastern seaboard! Inquire by phone or through our web site!”
This basic-cable TV commercial was our heroes’ first introduction to what would become the new super(ish)-team in town. The accompanying video was of three men dressed almost like 1920s gangster movie characters emerging from a bank with handfuls of bags marked “$”, shooting at police in the vicinity. A man in a painfully-colorful outfit appeared on the scene and summoned a swarm of low-budget CG butterflies. The insects swirled around the bank robbers, spinning them around until they passed out from dizziness.
The D-Listers’ first encounter with the newly-established local chapter of CUSP was in Chapter 13… at Walmart. CUSP arrived just in time to save the team from near-defeat at the hands of InterCrime troops in powerful battle armor; though their abilities were not exactly high-end superpowers, through surprise and focused assaults they were able to turn the tide of the fight.
Though they’re on the same side as the D-Listers, it also became clear that they see themselves as underdogs with something to prove, and perceive the D-Listers as competitors with unfair advantages.
Mantra is the leader of the local CUSP chapter, and very likely the most capable among them. Her mind control ability is powerful, but limited for some reason to forcing her targets into a meditative pose where they’ll simply relax and repeat a chosen catchphrase over and over again. Just in case an opponent resists, she also carries her “Gada”, a mace-like family heirloom, with which she’s more than willing to administer the occasional bonk to the head.
The Gada remains a point of contention with her estranged family, however. She… kind of ran off with it on her way out the door when they kicked her out in disapproval of her gender choice. They… kind of want it back, and their demands have begun to have a threatening undertone.
(Mantra’s image was made using the Champions Online character generator. The game itself has never been able to hold my interest for long, but there’s a fair amount of versatility in creating the look of a character, even without buying any costume-part upgrades.)
The Weeble
He wobbles, but he won’t fall down. He’s a little short, a little wide, and a little dense (in several senses of the word), and he’s really difficult to knock down… and that’s about it. He knows that’s about it, but has a tendency to put himself into danger by trying to prove otherwise.
Lefty is superhumanly strong… on one side of his body. The other side is, well, pretty normal. Which makes it interesting to watch him run.
In combat he’s often found carrying The Sleeper draped over his strong-side shoulder, to be used as a shield or club as needed.
Mister Bubble

A former criminal psychologist imbued with the power of Bubblekinesis through a product-testing mishap. Mr. B can literally create and control vast quantities of soap bubbles. This sounds harmless until you’ve had a mass of bubbles flood through the vents in your armor and give you a hydraulic squeeze while you try desperately to breathe through soapy liquid.
Stilts is a pretty tall guy to begin with, but when he turns on his growth power, prepare to be – well, slightly underwhelmed, when you see he’s only grown about 18 inches. He is a trained boxer, though, so don’t get in the path of his punches.

The Sleeper
Scott Waggoner is nigh invulnerable… except when he’s awake. When his skills are needed, he downs a strong sleeping drug so he can make himself useful. The Sleeper is Lefty’s weapon and shield of choice.
His preferred superhero costume of is a set of officially licensed Captain Generica pajamas. Mantra has been trying to get him to pick something a bit more professional, but every time she brings up the subject he just promises he’ll sleep on it.
It’s rumored there are more CUSP applicants whose paperwork is still being processed, including a young lady with the uncanny ability to conjure name-brand plastic building blocks out of thin air.