As a leader among the secretive sect known as Deus Rex, Charles Coughlin believes he is destined to rule over a holy empire on Earth. For him, that end justifies any means – including the study of dark, sorcerous arts.
For a time, Coughlin wore a magical native American headdress – a powerful artifact that strengthened his own abilities and gave him the power to make his allies stronger as well. The headdress was destroyed by another mysterious object called the Orb of Nullification, leaving Coughlin weakened but still a powerful sorcerer in his own right.
After his defeat at the hands of the D-Listers and the thwarting of an invasion by his allies, he was hauled away by the East Coast Protectors to a special facility for magical criminals – one from which he will no doubt eventually escape so he can return seeking vengeance.
Coughlin’s daughter Mary is the supervillain known as Caustic. Their relationship is… complicated. He sees himself as an unselfish hero fighting to impose order on a tumultuous world, whereas she openly revels in chaos for its own sake. Despite their differences and her occasional betrayals, he remains her strident defender against anyone he learns has fought or threatened her.
Generation Method: Manual
Type: NPC
First Appearance: (Mentioned) Chapter 3, (In person) Chapter 4

Coughlin’s name is taken from a real-life historical villain. Father Charles Coughlin was in many estimations the father of modern hate radio. His popular show began in the late 1920s with political commentary that by the late 30s had devolved into blatant antisemitism and support for fascism.
His spells were more or less copied from one of bk adams’ Arsenal power tutorials, because what he’d created seemed appropriate, and why re-invent the wheel?