Roger Stephenson was just a scrawny kid from Cleveland when he volunteered for a Vietnam War era mega-soldier program that endowed him with near-superhuman physical characteristics. Armed with a nigh-indestructible shield, for many years he served as a soldier and superhero with a patriotic-themed uniform. Unfortunately a media conglomerate deemed his overall image and his name and costume specifically to be so similar to one of their trademarked characters that they entered into a series of lawsuits that still plague him today.
Until a number of pending court filings are resolved, he fights crime as Captain Generica, charging into battle with gray uniform and shield both bearing a big white X.
(Note: This is a character I threw together early on, having only skimmed the rules. He’s unbalanced and violates several limitations, so I won’t even post the character sheet here. He was created primarily to serve a story purpose and not much more, and was sufficient as built to do so. If I use him again he’ll be rebuilt in a less “examples of what not to do” form.)
(Another note: Back when City of Heroes added the ability to become a “shield scrapper”, I rolled my eyes in the anticipation of the coming wave of characters who would be virtual clones of the character who obviously inspired the archetype… and then I created one as a good-natured parody of all the generic character clones. The toon itself was never much fun to play, though, so I revived him for my MP campaign to finally make him feel useful.)
Generation Method: Manual (Bordering on Deranged)
Type: NPC
First Appearance: Chapter 1