Update Jan 2022: A few players opted for custom characters different from the ones initially listed here. I’ve added those characters at the bottom of this post.
Way back in the waning days of pre-COVID civilization, I’d been kicking around the idea of offering to run a series of loosely connected Mighty Protectors one-shots at the local gaming store. While that plan is still in limbo (maybe in 2022, variants permitting!), now that there’s a way to play the game in Foundry I’ve offered to run a few sessions for some of the folks I regularly game with online.
To simplify the process I’ve created a handful of mostly kinda-sorta generic characters the players will be able to choose from at game time. Some players might want to go with their own character concepts, and I’ll work with them directly to get them created given enough advance notice. For the rest, this page will serve as an intro to the available characters.
For those to whom this matters, these scenarios will start with 100 character point (“low power”) characters and will be set in the same universe as my long-but-slowly-running home campaign. Most of the character portraits were generated using City of Heroes for the sake of having some images and tokens ready to go, but players can feel free to play them as whatever gender/sexuality/ethnicity/etc. they prefer.
Artemis (or Orion)
An Olympic archer gifted magical armor and arrows by the Goddess of the Hunt. Unfortunately this didn’t go over well with the Olympic committee, and she was famously banned from competition after false accusations of cheating were leveled against her by competitors.

Artie the Arthropologist
A crustacean-like being from the planet Farash with a name too difficult for humans to pronounce, “Artie” is an anthropologist working on a dissertation about superhero culture on primitive worlds by immersing himself in that culture. Brought a gravity-control device from home. (Image from the Mighty Protectors manual.)

Burning Man
“Dude, what was that new stuff I tried at the festival? It didn’t give me much of a high, but I’ve been on fire ever since!”

After a decade studying martial arts in hidden temples across much of Asia, Bushido has returned to the land of her birth to put her knowledge to the test.

A former Special Forces operative who really misses shooting at stuff.

A nanotech researcher whose technology was more effective than he expected – a fact he discovered when it invaded his cells and merged with much of his body!

Signed up to participate in research on Molecular Excitation. Got more than he bargained for.

“Try dis esperminental athnetic – afflectic – performints endancing treement,” they say me. I stronger now but not so good the thinking as before. I think.

Doctor Oddball
My friend Chuck said he’d like to play an early-in-his-career Dr. Strange sort of character. I tried to come up with a bio he’d appreciate.
“A respected proctologist suffered a hand injury in an unfortunate incident involving a patient with uncontrolled super-strength. Disillusioned with his chosen profession, he turned to the mystic arts.”

Sylvan Bolt
My wife and daughter have some experience with the game, and liked the idea of rolling for random powers and trying to build a character concept around those. (They also built their characters directly inside the Foundry interface rather than on the traditional character sheet).
Sylvan Bolt, my daughter’s character, has telepathy, teleportation, and two electrical powers. She decided that she’s a mutant with electrical powers, but there’s an alien entity sharing space in her mind who is the source of her other abilities.

My wife’s character ended up with an odd but workable combination of ice and magnetic powers. Chilly was a last-minute addition to the adventure so there wasn’t really time to come up with a unifying theme to explain the character, but her powers were effective enough in action.

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