While visiting the isle of Crete to investigate a rare plant discovered among ancient ruins there, Cassandra Hayes accidentally discovered the tomb of her ancient ancestor – Circe, an enchantress of Greek legend. A vision of Circe spoke to her, saying the stories that painted her as a creature of evil were untrue. Enchantments of power were placed on Cassandra and she emerged from the tomb ready to do good in her ancestor’s name.
Since inception, Circe has put most of her experience points into her shape shifting ability and now has a wolf form she can turn into. Wolf Circe is weaker in most respects than human Circe, but has stealth and enhanced senses that make her an excellent scout or secret messenger.
Generation method: Random (mostly)
Type: PC
First Appearance: Chapter 1

(Yes, I apparently have a -10 CP weakness in regards to making characters take their weaknesses.)